Pastor John Gray: He Dragged Himself At Stage Of Suicide In State Of Suicidal Depression

Posted by Florance Siggers on Saturday, May 4, 2024

The adultery controversy following Pastor John Gray’s hospitalization a month ago was only one of several allegations of extramarital affairs against him over the past few years.

But on Sunday, August 14, the pastor of the Relentless Church in South Carolina, having survived a near-fatal saddle pulmonary embolism, returned to the pulpit with thanksgiving in his heart and an apology on his lips.

“I want to apologise to my church for any moment where I obfuscated the name of God with foolishness from my flesh,” Grey, 49, said during his inaugural sermon.

Kebe claims Grey had an affair with an exotic massage performer in Florida. The man is the father of Aventer Gray’s children, Theory and John IV, and with whom the woman had been supposedly talking and engaging in virtual intercourse.

The recovering reality TV star from OWN said, “I was looking at my life, and I realised that the life that I was living was antithetical to Scripture in critical areas,” while sitting in a chair intermittently during his sermon.

Grey claims that he was once proud and hesitant to accept responsibility and that his guiding leadership principle was “Stay out of my business, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

But then the writer of I Am Number 8 had a revelation: “That’s not how it works when you’re in leadership. That’s how I envisioned it going, anyway.

His wife’s pleading for prayers while he was in critical care in July appears to have been a wake-up call.

“Everything that I do matters,” he informed the congregation, offering a new perspective.

Before his current health crisis, Grey said he had become “bitter at the rat race of contemporary church culture.”

Pastor John Gray’s suicidal depression

This week, Pastor John Grey resorted to social media to praise his celebrity friend Tyrese Gibson, whom he said prevented him from taking his own life at a time of suicidal depression.

“I made a mistake when I was trying to kill myself. I phoned @tyrese,” the senior pastor of Relentless Church said on Instagram.

The Ohioan posted a photo of himself and Gibson, who turned 44 last week, along with a comment he wrote.

To which Gibson responded, “Let me call you right back,” as reported by Grey. Grey claims that two hours later, Gibson pulled into his driveway.

“He dragged me out of the home and into a vehicle that took me to a certified counsellor,” Grey said. 

The celebrity set up an “IV drip, chef’s table full of foods, and holistic professionals ready to relieve all the pain” in Gray’s body and soul. 

Grey called Gibson “the most gifted human on the planet” and praised him for being “a real friend and brother” on his late birthday.

You fought for me when I was on the verge of death. “I will never forget it,” Grey said.

Gibson replied to the message, “I’m sorry good brother. The Lord Jesus isn’t done with you.”

I cherish you as my pastor and older brother… To put it simply, I am immensely pleased with you… All Praise Is Due to God. All I did was follow God’s instructions.

As Gibson said, “You were obedient when God put it on your heart to call me, and I was obedient to take the call, not hesitate and get to you.”

The “Fast and the Furious” actor assured Grey that he is always there for him and praised God for giving him the gift of life. 

About 28 additional acts of kindness come to mind when I think of Gibson. “He is an incredible human being,” Aventer Grey proclaimed. There is only one of my older brothers! It’s always summer in our hearts for you.

Pastor John Gray became the pastor when they called Redemption Church in South Carolina in 2018

After years of speaking at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, Grey became the pastor of what was then called Redemption Church in South Carolina in 2018. 

There have been other instances of criticism leveled at him since then. In 2018, he was criticized for surprising his wife with a $200,000 Lamborghini on their eighth wedding anniversary.

Only months after, he admitted to listening to “voices” that lured him away and nearly caused the divorce.

The priest announced his sabbatical to his congregation in 2020 in a sermon titled “You Are Here.” After realizing his predicament, Grey admitted he needed “immediate intervention from the Holy Ghost.”

How did Pastor John Gray get up in depression?

Specifically, Grey said he planned to keep up the “necessary work” in the following five areas of his life.

Grey first told his congregation about his suicidal thoughts in January of this year. Wearing “my funeral outfit,” he explained to his congregation: “2018 tried to kill me, so I thought I have to try to dress for the occasion.”

The father of two said he had suicidal thoughts because of the criticism he had gotten for his lifestyle choices. 

To prayer, Grey mentioned in the sermon that he was receiving counseling to help him cope with the unresolved trauma in his life.

“The fact is that I assisted some of the things that sought to murder me. Speaking loudly is something no one wants to do. Everyone needs to know the devil wasn’t responsible for everything. 

He said, “It would be great if we shouts for that too because when you shout for that, what you’re saying is I take personal responsibility.”

I felt like giving up. He then pretended to criticize, saying, “Hey, you sound like you need counselling.”

And you, too. And you, too. He said, “And I have counsellors.” And allow me to assist you. You can’t make everything go away by rubbing oil on your head. 

You’ll have some things to figure out on your own. You’ll have to leave some things behind. And you’re going to require professional Christian therapy and counseling.

After weeks of chest pain, Grey was hospitalized in July of last year with a saddle pulmonary embolism. Gray’s life was in jeopardy due to his illness. Grey preached again in August after taking some time off to heal. 
